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Running To The Light

All Hail King Jesus

Rest On Us

Holy Forever

weekly announcements


August 4th

Our next opportunity for baptism will be August 4th. If you are interested or have any questions, fill out the form at connecttothevine.org/baptism to schedule a meeting with your campus pastor. 

Learn more and sign up by TODAY at connecttothevine.org/baptism


Sunday, August 11th

The starting point for discovering community here at The Vine is a gathering we call Engage. At Engage, you will get to hear the history of The Vine and our vision for the future while enjoying a free lunch. You will also get to know our pastors and others who are new to The Vine. The next Engage gathering is August 11th at both campuses.

RSVP at connecttothevine.org/connect/engage


Sign ups open next week! 

Signups for our Fall Semester ConnectGroups will begin next Sunday. Don't miss out on your chance to join in community with others and grow in your faith!

Find your community at connecttothevine.org/connectgroups


Sunday, August 4th

On Sunday, Aug 4th, Kidzu will "move up" all children going to the next grade level. If a child is entering Pre-K through 5th grade, he or she will move to the next grade level in Kidzu. Students entering 6th grade will now be a part of The Vine Youth! 

Learn more about our children's ministry at connecttothevine.org/next-gen/kids

magnified: The life of david | Week four

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Scripture (ESV):

2 Samuel 11:1-5

Job 31:1 (NLT)

Genesis 2:24

2 Samuel 11:9-11

Psalm 51:1-4

1 Kings 15:5

2 Corinthians 5:17

Teaching Notes:

- David’s downfall began when he became more focused on his desires than on God’s desires.

- Although we are tempted to hide sins in the dark, healing happens in the light.

- When we fail to address our past, other people pay the price.


Reflection Questions:

1. Why is it so easy for us to live to please ourselves instead of living to please God? What steps can we take to focus more on God’s desires than on our desires? 

2. Why is it so important to have an accountability partner or group? If you don’t have that setup, who could you ask to begin meeting together for accountability?  

3. What stops us from bringing our sins into the light? How can that change?

4. What from your past do you need to address so others don’t pay the price?

5. What does it mean to become a new creation? How does it change your life?